The history of carpet weaving is at least 2,500 years old, spans many geographies, and is a rich reservoir of unique aesthetics and techniques. It is from this lineage of design that Warp & Weft curates an elevated offering of rugs and carpets, each an exemplary representation of traditional design from one of the major weaving centers of the world. Whether from Afghanistan, India, Thailand, Turkey, Morrocco, or the cradle of carpet making itself Persia - modern day Iran - each new or antique carpet is selected on its merits of craftsmanship, design integrity, and finesse to bring refined old-world ornamentation into contemporaneous interiors.
Handcrafted to order in bespoke sizes, colors, shapes, and materials using traditional indigenous techniques paired with Warp & Wefts’ modern understanding of suitability, value, and finishes. Lead times vary.